
Welcome to the Cool Programs home page. Here, you will find all kinds of programs I've written or helped with which will entertain and instruct you. They demonstrate various object-oriented techniques and languages, while never losing the element of fun.

Standalone Applications I've Written

BSBingoTM is written for PalmOS-based devices. It is a fun game sarcastically dubbed as a "corporate productivity tool" which allows you to stay awake during otherwise-boring corporate meetings. BSBingo received five cows (highest rating) from TUCOWS.

BYOBingoTM is written for Windows CE devices and Win32 platforms. It is essentially the same as BSBingo. BYOBingo received a rave review in a popular magazine column.

Num-NumTM spells numbers for you like (38 -> "thirty eight") in many languages. It is a boon to people living in a foreign country or learning a foreign language. What's more, the rules for spelling a number are external to the program! Hackers can learn this language and submit rules for other languages. Versions for Win32, WinCE, PalmOS and Java 1.1!

The Triangle Puzzle is a fun, challenging, animated puzzle game with hints. Written in portable C++, versions are versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows CE, PalmOS and Java.

ThisIsCoolTM Nim pits you against the computer with another challenging peg game written in both Java and C#. 

Save That Calendar!TM lets you save your calendar, the trees and the world by computing the next year that you can reuse your calendar. (For example, your 2001 calendar can be reused in 2007.)

Programs I've Helped With

GCC/GCJ for MingW is a temporary holding spot for my build of a CVS snapshot of the GCC / GCJ. With it, you can compile Java programs into native Windows executables!

Mips2Java for Win32: If I told you that you could take sources for a C console application and convert them to 100% Pure Java code that can be hosted in an unsigned applet, would you believe me? Find out more here.

Tiny Basic is my port of Tom Pittmans's TinyBasic C rewrite to Java, C# and Flex/Actionscript! It continues the tradition of my Mips2Java and Waba For DOS ports, plus scratches my itch to be conversant in different languages and platforms.

Waba For DOS is my port of Waba to protected-mode DOS! Go find your old 386 machines!

J2F is a first attempt to embed a reduced Waba Virtual Machine into Flash Player using Adobe Alchemy.

Fedora Core Floppy Installer allows bootstrapping the Fedora Core 3 or Fedora Core 4 install from only floppy diskettes, without booting from a CD or temporarily copying stuff to your hard drive.